Merchant market research

We are your experts in merchant market research

After decades of remaining relatively unchanged, the traditional trade counter environment is under unprecedented pressure. Merchants are having to adapt due to the growth of digital channels, the seemingly unstoppable rise of the Omnichannel formats such as Screwfix and Toolstation, and the blurring line between the trade and retail customer.​

As well as the traditional ‘bricks and mortar’ merchants, we have also worked with businesses who have experimented with new propositions in the UK trade market (for example a project with Travis Perkins where we evaluated their drive-thru BUILT concept). We have also evaluated a virtual ‘broker’ type service in this category (Building Materials Nationwide). 

So, whether you are an independent or national merchant chain, building or plumbing & heating focused, now is the time to get in touch. We can help you measure how your trade or retail audience is changing, evaluate your marketing, counter or product offer or independently gauge supplier or staff perceptions of your business.

Who we work with

Below are examples of some of the merchants and organisations we work with in this sector:

  • Wolseley
  • Plumbase
  • Selco
  • Travis Perkins
  • Building Materials Nationwide
  • Howarth Timber & Building Supplies
  • Builders Merchants Federation (BMF)


  • Wolseley
  • Plumbase
  • Selco
  • Travis Perkins
  • Building Materials Nationwide
  • Howarth Timber & Building Supplies
  • Builders Merchants Federation (BMF)

We’ve worked with suppliers and stakeholders in the UK merchant market for many years.  We struggle to believe there are others with more rounded experience in this sector. Lightside or heavyside – we have helped brands shed a light across both categories. 

We have measured brand awareness, market share, channel shift, undertaken mystery shopping and asked installers and retail customers what they think of showrooms and display areas.

On behalf of supplier manufacturer brands we have explored key customer relationships and loyalty schemes.

Eureka! trade community

We love talking with tradespeople about the products and brands they use. We have built our own growing community of sole traders, contractors, and small businesses who we engage with about stuff that really matters to them.

Get in touch today

We’d love the opportunity to be able to share more information about our experience in the merchant sector. Use the form here to tell us about your business challenges and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

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Eureka! Research

6 Parkside Court | Greenhough Road
Lichfield | Staffordshire | WS13 7AU


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